Pikachu Dies

The Pasta (Rewritten)

This creepypasta was rewritten and reedited by Dynaon. The original pasta was written by Horror Entertainment.
Ash smiled upon reaching the all too familiar Lavender Town. He smiled over to his Pikachu, the yellow mouse Pokemon gazing back with a joyful smile. The both of them have heard rumors of the Pokemon Tower, a place where the deceased pokemon of Kanto rested. Of course, with Ash being the joyful young trainer he was, decided to enter the Pokemon Tower to do a little exploring. His partner, Pikachu, seemed a little tipped off by this tower. it seemed too eerie for the regular joyful taste that their journey had up to this point, but Ash wasn't exactly thinking about looking back.
Ash decided to head up a few floors, meeting up with some fellow trainers along the way, but they didn't pay him a single mind. He was thinking about going out of his way to talk to the trainers, but perhaps they were greiving for Pokemon they lost here. It wouldn't exactly be very polite to interrupt such a thing, now would it? He reached the fifth floor of the tower, seeing the regular logo of a team that he had grown to despise ever since that fated day in the Viridian Forest. It was Team Rocket, up to their old tricks again. Though, he had to wonder why there was only one person, and not the usual duo of James and Jessie tailing him. This man was the Team Rocket member known as 'Atilla', a new recruit that was still learning the ropes of the team. Maybe he was a young soul that needed to learn the lighter side of things. There was a small purple orb by his side, just levitating. When Ash flipped out his Pokedex, he figured out that this orb was, in fact, a Koffing.
Without even turning around, Atilla seemed to take in Ash's presence and realize that he had a Pokemon out.
"Greetings. I have been expecting you."
Atilla spoke in a fairly cold manner toward Ash, throwing his young mind off for a moment. His tone was emotionless, as if he couldn't find the will to live anymore. Maybe that was the case, being in such a depressing tower. Ash, knowing that there were no other trainers on this floor, had a hardened expression upon his face as he replied.
"I don't know who you are, but Team Rocket has to be stopped! Are you ready to battle?!"
That was always Ash's way to solving any problem of the world. He had to have a Pokemon Battle, and his Pikachu was always the most reliable partner in the world. Atilla looked over Ash's person, an evil smirk tugging at his lips as he motioned for Koffing to go forward.
"Sure. It'll be a friendly battle to test out my Koffing's skills."
Ash, a little excited to be battling again, sent out his Pikachu for a good-hearted battle.
Boy, was he in for a surprise.
Many minutes passed by as the battle dragged on. Both Pikachu and Koffing were severely damaged, both wobbling over the obvious amounts of fatigue. It was definitely a close battle, either of them could have fainted right then and there, but they were fighting for their trainers. Their will would never fade. Ash commanded for Pikachu to use Thunderbolt, and the Pokemon's expression turned to one of pure concentration. Screaming out the first syllable of his name, he began to focus all of his electric energy into one burst. The lights on the ceiling began to flicker as the Pikachu yelled into the air, as if he was commanding for the gods of Lavender Town to lend him their strength. As he screamed out the last syllable of his name, he let a great bolt of pure lightning burst forward, closing his eyes before he could see what happened.
As his eyes opened, he had to gasp at what his gaze was met with. Pikachu completely missed the Koffing, only hitting a mere lightbulb. That Thunderbolt took the rest of Pikachu's energy, the mouse falling to a single knee in exhaustion. That Pokemon couldn't go on, but he didn't faint. He was still struggling to stay awake for his trainer. Atilla, knowing that he now had the upper hand, called out a Sludge attack for his Koffing. The piece of sludged erupted from Koffing's mouth, but it was relatively small. Pikachu took a gasp for air out of pure exhaustion, and the sludge slipped right down his throat. Both Ash and Atilla's eyes widened as they took in what just happened.
And the poison was acting fast.
Slowly but surely, the Pikachu fell to the ground, twitching slightly. The scent of blood began to fill the Pikachu's nostrils as the crimson liquid flowed out of his mouth. His limbs grew limber, his skin was almost peeling off as his limbs began to tear off on their own. The Sludge was literally killing Pikachu from the inside. First was the tail, falling to the side of the slowly-dying Pokemon. The tail gave off one final twitch before the nerves finally had the decency to die. Then the arms quickly followed the tail's descent to the ground, Pikachu's vision was growing blurry. He knew that it was the end. His head rolled off of his body like butter, almost like a decapitation done with a sword.
Pikachu was gone.
Ash was beginning to break down as Atilla's partner, Hun, had returned from an assignment he was taking care of on a higher floor. Of course, of all things, he didn't expect to see the horrific scene of a melting Pikachu on the ground. Out of fear, he was running for the stairs, and Atilla followed with his Koffing close behind. Now it was just Ash and Pikachu, Ash falling to his knees by the deteriorating corpse. He slowly tried to put the body back together, as if he wasn't able to register that his partner, the one that stuck with him since the very first day of his journey, had passed on. After a few minutes of struggling and crying, he put the Pokemon's body into a stone tablet, and put the seal on top. He then etched out words onto the tombstone, allowing everyone to know what Pokemon lied here. It may have not been important to everyone else, but this was the world to poor Ash.
Here lies Pikachu, beloved starter Pokemon of Ash Ketchum. He will always be remembered for his obedience and bravery.
Ash had finished crying his eyes out, getting up from the tombstone and giving off one final goodbye to his very best friend. Turning his back on the stone, he headed down the stairs to the base of Pokemon Tower. As he reached the final floor and was about to head out the door, he saw a small yellow body by the door. Its ear twitched slightly and gave off the regular cry of a Pikachu, running out the doors after doing so. Ash, thinking that maybe the events above were just a bad dream, pursued the Pikachu out of the Pokemon Tower.
This new part of his journey had him going backward in memory lane, notably hitting the Viridian Forest. It brought a lot of happy memories, and the Pikachu in front of him was the only thing that kept him going. He could even call it his humanity. After hitting Viridian City, he found that he was on Route 22. The Pikachu started to climb up the mountain. Ash, hoping he might be able to take his eyes off of his partner for a single moment, read a sign close to the mountain's base.
Mt. Silver.
This was the legendary Mount Silver that so many trainers have tried to climb up. Was Pikachu asking for Ash to do the impossible to prove that he was willing to do anything for them to be together? He decided to try, choosing his Charizard for the job. He jumped on the back of this dragon-like Pokemon and flew up to the very top, where a single yellow Pokemon stood in the snow. As Ash jumped off of his Charizard, he slowly made his way up the stone steps, hitting the very peak of Mt. Silver. This was where Pikachu had no escape, and he gave off a warm smile toward Ash.
"Thank you, Red. You have proved that we can be together forever!"
Ash would have usually been smiling at this point, but two things were throwing him off. First of all, who was Red? Secondly, why was Pikachu looking a little... transparent? No... it couldn't be...
"You're just the same. You're a ghost, that was no dream. You're dead."
Suddenly, it felt like a sudden gust of wind almost took Ash off of his feet. Pikachu was enraged by Ash's deniance of his existance. Why couldn't he love him?!
"Why do you always ignore my feelings, Red?! You shall join me in the depths of hell!"
Ash had no idea what was going on anymore, but he saw that Pikachu was charging up a Thunderbolt, and he didn't exactly look like he was kidding around. All of a sudden, all of his Pokemon got out of their Pokeballs. Charizard, Blastoise, Venusaur, Lapras, and Snorlax. All five of them were in a formation to protect Ash, but it was no help. Pikachu let out a demonic scream of his own name, letting a burst of lightning strike down from the sky, annihalating the five Pokemon that tried to protect their trainer so valiantly.
"And now... For you."
A bolt of lightning rained down from the sky, and it hit Ash right on the tip of his head. The lightning coursed through his body, his clothes were beginning to burn. But the most notable change in his body was his eyes. Those deadly eyes, his irises turning to one of a pure red. It wasn't natural, but he did not die. He simply fell to his knees for a moment, electricity cracking against the surface of his body. He cap had no more logo, just a blank white and red hat now. As his body rose up, his face had no more emotion. He was no longer Ash.
The Pikachu jumped into his jacket, happy that his trainer had returned to him. Red had no emotion, but he looked on toward the horizon, the snow not bothering him a bit. He stays there with his ghost Pokemon, awaiting a trainer that would win to him and save him from the eternal, silent Hell that he endured. His Pokemon had ways of winning their battles, going so far as to killing the opponent. They wanted him to lose, but he would never show resistance. Pikachu had to be a happy Pokemon, and he never met an equal.
He's waiting for you.
PKMN Trainer Red wants to battle!

The Original Pasta

Lavender Town. The site for most creepy things in the Pokemon world. Our story begins with Ash and Pikachu going into Pokemon Tower to "Explore The Sites In Lavender Town". While inside on approximately the 5th Floor, they run into a familiar team. Team Rocket. However, it is not Jessie and James for it is a new man. He goes by the name 'Atilla'. He recently caught a Pokemon named 'Koffing' and challanges Ash to a "friendly battle to test his new Pokemon's skills". Ash (Being the boy he is) casually accepts the challange not knowing what lies ahead. The battle heats up as Koffing and Pikachu both are severly damaged (Yet surprisingly neither have fainted) Ash screams out "Pikachu, use thunderbolt, NOW!". "Pika....CHU!" the thunderbolt was so powerful, the lights in Pokemon Tower flickered. Pikachu used every ounce of Electricity in his body to perfect it. The Koffing was untouched. Pikachu had missed. He hit a lightbulb. Nothing happened. Pikachu however, was tired from his damage and his attack. Atilla yelled out "Koffing use Sludge Attack Now!" Koffing did as he was told. However, his sludge attack was very small. It was small enough to slip down Pikachu's gasping mouth. The Poison immediatly acted. It went down his throught and his limbs became very limber. So limber, in fact, that they slowly ripped off his body. First, his tail fell off. Followed by his arms then, eventually, his head. This was obviously horrid. Ash was severly angered as you can imagine. Atilla was shocked. His partner, Hun, shortly appeared walking down the stairs as she had finished her task involving a Cubone and it's mother. Afterwards, Atilla and Hun quickly fled the scene. Ash kneeled before the corpse of his beloved pal. Ash was stunned. He immediately placed the body on a nearby tablet. He cried his eyes out for several minutes. After he looked up, he noticed that the tablet had writing on it. "Here lies Pikachu, beloved starter Pokemon of Ash Ketchum. He will always be remembered for his obedience and bravery." Ash was saddened even more. Ash solemnly left Pokemon Tower. He noticed on his way down to the 1st Floor, that there was a small yellow creature running around and then made his way outside. "Pikachu!" Ash desperately cried out. Ash followed him all the way to the top of a big mountain. That mountain was known as "Mount Silver". Ash looked around and 'Pikachu' was lying on front of a rock smiling. "Now we can be together forever Ash. Just me, you and our friends." "Pikachu, I don't want to die. I will definetly remember you.." Pikachu cut off Ash with a demonic frown. "Ash, you will over-time forget me. You say you miss me but you won't always remember me. Pika...CHU!" He electrocuted Ash with 10,000,000 volts. Ash instantly died. Pikachu used it on Ash's whole team. They were all dead now. There, they stay on top of Mount Silver. They were now dead. Nothing. They awaited nothing. No. They awaited you. Crying out for you to save them. When you battle them you mustn't lose. When you lose it is over. Over for you. You will be nothing. Await nothing. Why did you? Why did you?